Our solution provides the smoothest customer onboarding experience to help
you convert more customers in the shortest possible time.
IDfy’s Video KYC comes in two modes – agent-assisted and self-serve. The
solution is compliant with all major regulators including RBI, SEBI, and
Our Video KYC solution checks network, camera, and microphone access before the call, thereby ensuring a smoother first attempt.
On-Call Features
IDfy’s Video KYC has been designed to work even on low bandwidth, allowing text chat, reconnection, and auto-saving for future sessions.
Post-Call Features
Intelligent Reviewer Allocation ensures efficient case review within seconds. Every information is available within just 30 seconds of the call to the reviewer.
Pre-Call Checks
IDfy’s Video KYC has built-in checks before the video call. Checking for
network, camera, and microphone access increases the chances of a successful
call on the first attempt.
On-Call Features
IDfy’s VKYC is designed to work even on low bandwidth. It allows text
conversations between agents and customers. Has built-in reconnect features
in cases of disconnection and auto-saves data for the next sessions.
Post-Call Features
Intelligent Reviewer Allocation assigns cases to the right reviewer based on
language, product, and location. All information is available to the
reviewer within 30 seconds of the call to ensure the most efficient
review process.
Why IDfy’s Video KYC is loved by Customers
How is IDfy enabling you to provide the best Video KYC to your clientele
Real-time Dashboards
From monitoring call centre operations to access to key metrics for problem diagnosis , we have got you covered.
Customer Empowerment
End customers are provided with tools to schedule, reconnect, and select language preferences.
Empowering Agents
Agents made self-sufficient to fix things on the fly using features like text chat, reconnect and data editing.
Manage User Access
Streamline operations by creating agent profiles, roles and skills to run them seamlessly.
What makes IDfy’s Video
KYC customer-friendly
How IDfy helps you offer
the best Video KYC service to your customers
Real-time dashboards
Real-time monitoring of call
centre operations and access to key metrics for problem diagnosis
Customer empowerment
End-customers can reconnect,
schedule calls, and select language and product preferences.
Agent empowerment
Agents can fix things
on-the-fly with features like reconnect, text chat with customers,
and data editing
User Access Management
Create agent profiles, roles,
and skills to to run operations efficiently
Why IDfy’s Video KYC is loved by Enterprises
What makes IDfy’s Video
KYC the best option for large enterprises
To integrate basis various journeys, customer type , risk profiles , region etc.
Auto Scalability
IDfy’s VKYC platform is well equipped to handle customer volume spikes by scaling up or down infrastructure availability.
Data Security
The product is compliant with BSP guidelines and customer data stays in the PhilippinesCloud-Agnostic: IDfy’s VKYC is available across AWS, GCP, and Azure.
IDfy’s VKYC is available on
GCP, AWS, and Azure
What makes IDfy’s Video
KYC enterprise-friendly
What makes IDfy’s Video
KYC the best option for large enterprises
Single integration for
different journeys based on risk profile, customer type, region etc.
Auto scalability
IDfy’s VKYC platform
automatically scales up or down infrastructure availability to
handle sudden spikes in customer volume
Data security
Meets security expectations
as per RBI guidelines - encrypting of data, purging of data, modes
are available for enabling these
IDfy’s VKYC is available on
GCP, AWS, and Azure
Industry leaders have their faith on us for their Video KYC
Some of the best in the
business trust us!
3 Reasons why IDfy’s VKYC is imperative for your business
Boost Conversions
90% conversion
Connect in low bandwidth
Empower customer
intelligent routing
Enhance Operational Efficiency
Problem troubleshooting and diagnosis
Monitoring of live dashboard
Continuously improve
operational efficiency
Live dashboard monitoring
Problem diagnostics and
Ensure Compliance
Meets regulatory requirements
customise for various regulatory bodies
Records stored and maintained for regular audits
Here’s a guide to achieve 90%+ conversions with Video KYC